Castello di Paderna
The Paderna Castle, an ancient fortress of medieval origin, now a didactic farm with a vegetable garden, has been hosting the great national floricultural exhibition - Rassegna di Piante, Fiori e Frutti dimenticati (Review of Forgotten Plants, Flowers and Fruits) - for 30 years: always held on the first weekend of October, thousands of people gather in the Piacenza castle a few kilometres from Pontenure for the festival of biodiversity, gardening, among flowers, ancient varieties of forgotten plants, and traditional food.
But on many other Saturdays and Sundays, the Castle of Paderna is worth a visit: the large agricultural courtyard holds a precious sacred place to visit, the church of Santa Maria, with a Greek cross plan. The oratory is divided by four central columns into nine bays covered by as many crosses; the columns are composed of segments of Roman columns. Tools and objects related to peasant life can also be seen during the visit. In the tower known as 'with its feet in the water' is the castle armoury, part of the family's collection of weapons.
The castle, surrounded by a moat still filled with water, is the perfect setting for parties, refreshments and weddings, as well as events and exhibitions related to floriculture and agriculture.